Results for 'Isidora N. Jarić'

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  1.  47
    Synchronicity of social change and the construct of gender roles: Traditionalism and modernity as contents of mainstream model of female gender roles in women's magazines during the last quarter of 20.Isidora N. Jarić - 2002 - Filozofija I Društvo 2002 (19):267-278.
    Osnovna intencija istrazivanja je da retrospektivno sagleda promene u konstruktu pozeljnog modela zenskih rodnih uloga u periodu 'razvijenog samoupravnog socijalizma' (1970-tih), periodu strukturne krize socijalizma (1980-tih) i postsocijalistickom periodu srpskog/jugoslovenskog drustva, onako kako je on konstruisan u zenskom casopisu 'Bazar'. Kroz osnovne postavke teorijskog okvira istrazivanja pokusacemo da koncipiramo i priblizimo se pretpostavljenom novom komunikacionom modelu koji ce biti u stanju da u istrazivanje inkorporira sve promene nastale u samom procesu komunikacije izmedju emitera i recipijenta i time doprinesemo boljem razumevanju (...)
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    U kandžama izneverenih očekivanja.Isidora Jarić - 2005 - Filozofija I Društvo 2005 (27):75-87.
    The paper discusses the position of young people in Serbia today, as can be inferred from the evidence collected in the study "Politics and everyday life - three years later". Starting from the typology she developed in her 2002 analysis of young people?s interviews, the author traces the changes that have intervened over the past three years in the attitudes of these same respondents concerning politics, personal engagement, views of the future and of their own selves. The fact that the (...)
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    Reconfiguration of hegemonic models of (male and female) gender roles in the process of transformation of Serbian society.Isidora Jarić - 2006 - Filozofija I Društvo 2006 (30):175-190.
    Hegemonic gender role is specific configuration of different gender performances and practices that represents socially accepted answer on concrete circumstances within given society in particular historical moment. Analytical insight into their content and direction of change could provide us better understanding of other social structures and aspects of social life of society/ culture/sub cultural community/social group within which hegemonic gender role has been formulated and practicized. In that sense this research shell try to recognize them as a legitimate source of (...)
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    Labour conditions of university teachers on Belgrade University: Relationship toward administration.Isidora Jaric - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (3):23-39.
    Tekst analizira nacin na koji nastavno osoblje na Beogradskom univerzitetu percipira bolonjski proces, nacelno i unutar lokalnog srpskog socijalnog i univerzitetskog konteksta; razlicite upravne instance unutar univerzitetskog obrazovnog sistema, mesto nastavnika unutar obrisa novog visokoskolskog obrazovnog sistema u procesu bolonjske transformacije. Empirijsku osnovu predstavlja istrazivanje o uslovima rada nastavnog osoblja koje je Centar za obrazovne politike iz Beograda izveo na pet fakulteta Beogradskog univerziteta tokom 2008 godine.
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    Bologna reform in higher education in Serbia: Mapping factors of low efficiency of studding.Isidora Jaric & Martina Vukasovic - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (2):119-151.
    Tekst analizira nacin na koji nastavnici i studenti u cetiri univerzitetska centara u Srbiji percipiraju problem efikasnosti studiranja u novom bolonjskom univerzitetskom okruzenju. Empirijska baza podataka na kojoj pociva prezentovana analiza sastoji se iz dve vrste podataka, kvantitativnim i kvalitativnim, koji su prikupljeni uz pomoc dve vrste metodoloskih instrumenata - anketnim upitnikom i produbljenim intervjuom, pri cemu je kvantitativni deo istrazivanja sproveden na sva cetiri univerziteta, a kvalitativni deo samo na Beogradskom univerzitetu. Dobijeni rezultati analize mapiraju kljucne faktore koji uticu (...)
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  6. Politika i svakodnevni život–tri godine posle (Uvodna beleška).Isidora Jarić, Zagorka Golubović & Ivana Spasić - 2005 - Filozofija I Društvo 2005 (27):9-12.
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  7.  33
    Labor conditions of university teachers on Belgrade University: The problem of evaluation.Ana Jankovic & Isidora Jaric - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (3):3-22.
    Tekst analizira nacin na koji nastavno osoblje na Beogradskom univerzitetu percipira bolonjski proces, nacelno i unutar lokalnog srpskog socijalnog i univerzitetskog konteksta; razlicite upravne instance unutar univerzitetskog obrazovnog sistema, mesto nastavnika unutar obrisa novog visokoskolskog obrazovnog sistema u procesu bolonjske transformacije. Empirijsku osnovu predstavlja istrazivanje o uslovima rada nastavnog osoblja koje je Centar za obrazovne politike iz Beograda izveo na pet fakulteta Beogradskog univerziteta tokom 2008 godine.
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    (1 other version)Is every truth knowable? Reply to hand and Kvanvig.N. Tennant - 2001 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 79 (1):107 – 113.
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  9.  46
    Bare Statistical Evidence and the Right to Security.N. P. Adams - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 24 (2).
    Courts and jurors sometimes refuse to assign liability to defendants on the basis of statistics alone, despite their apparent reliability. I argue that this refusal is best understood as a recognition of defendants’ right to security. Understood as a robust good in Philip Pettit’s sense, security requires that someone risking harm to others’ protected interests adopt a disposition of concern that controls against wrongfully harming them. Since trials risk harm, the state must adopt such a disposition. Statistics leave open the (...)
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  10.  17
    Apocalyptic theodicy. Contributions for a sociodicea.César O. Carbullanca N. - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 48:195-223.
    Resumen A partir de la formulación weberiana de teodicea, esta pesquisa sostendrá la centralidad de la cuestión de la teodicea para la religión. No obstante, la definición weberiana de teodicea presenta problemas para su aplicación a textos de la antigüedad, pues, a juicio de Sarot, la teodicea sería un fenómeno moderno que marcaría una nueva manera de pensar sobre el mal. A partir de lo cual, el artículo pasa revista a diversas teodiceas mostrando la variedad de respuestas, colocando en evidencia (...)
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  11.  28
    The discrimination of two simultaneously presented brightnesses.N. R. Bartlett - 1942 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 31 (5):380.
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  12.  51
    The role of alexithymia in memory and executive functioning across the lifespan.I. I. Anthony N. Correro, Elizabeth R. Paitel, Steven J. Byers & Kristy A. Nielson - forthcoming - Tandf: Cognition and Emotion:1-16.
  13. Chantal Mouffe : la democracia radical, una visión desde lo político.Simón E. Hernández Henríquez - 2015 - In O. Astorga (ed.), La democracia radical. [Caracas]: La Hoja del Norte.
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    Analogy between concepts.N. Barbot, L. Miclet & H. Prade - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 275 (C):487-539.
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    Mixed ℋ -Infinity and Passive Synchronization of Markovian Jumping Neutral-Type Complex Dynamical Networks with Randomly Occurring Distributed Coupling Time-Varying Delays and Actuator Faults.N. Boonsatit, R. Sugumar, D. Ajay, G. Rajchakit, C. P. Lim, P. Hammachukiattikul, M. Usha & P. Agarwal - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-19.
    This article examines mixed ℋ -infinity and passivity synchronization of Markovian jumping neutral-type complex dynamical network models with randomly occurring coupling delays and actuator faults. The randomly occurring coupling delays are considered to design the complex dynamical networks in practice. These delays complied with certain Bernoulli distributed white noise sequences. The relevant data including limits of actuator faults, bounds of the nonlinear terms, and external disturbances are available for designing the controller structure. Novel Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional is constructed to verify the (...)
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  16.  10
    Literary Activity in Pali.N. A. Jayawickrama - 1980 - Buddhist Studies Review 5 (3):76-88.
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  17.  25
    The Nature and Source of Moral Experience.N. McCracken - 1952 - Philosophy 27 (101):166 - 169.
  18.  13
    Application of the integrated approach to the ethics of radiological protection.N. A. Podzolkova & A. A. Denisova - 2019 - Theoretical Bioethics 24 (2):53-58.
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  19.  10
    (1 other version)Ideological determination of political and legal transformations in the countries of the New World of the 19th century.N. N. Ravochkin - forthcoming - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журнал:377.
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  20.  22
    Ontological status of time in chemistry.N. Sukumar - 2020 - Foundations of Chemistry 22 (3):353-361.
    While temporal considerations are of prime importance for chemical reactions, as well as for molecular stability, most chemical concepts are not explicitly formulated on a diachronic basis. It will be argued here that a formulation explicitly incorporating temporal and epistemological considerations enables us to treat chemical reactions and chemical substances on ontologically equivalent terms, instead of assigning a more fundamental status to the latter. After all, in collision theory, a chemical substance is just a collision complex that takes too long. (...)
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  21.  12
    Systematic Parameter Reviews in Cognitive Modeling: Towards a Robust and Cumulative Characterization of Psychological Processes in the Diffusion Decision Model.N. -Han Tran, Leendert van Maanen, Andrew Heathcote & Dora Matzke - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Parametric cognitive models are increasingly popular tools for analyzing data obtained from psychological experiments. One of the main goals of such models is to formalize psychological theories using parameters that represent distinct psychological processes. We argue that systematic quantitative reviews of parameter estimates can make an important contribution to robust and cumulative cognitive modeling. Parameter reviews can benefit model development and model assessment by providing valuable information about the expected parameter space, and can facilitate the more efficient design of experiments. (...)
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  22.  12
    Evaluation of The Knowledge Levels of Religious Officials About The Basic Opinions of The Religious Sects in Terms of Different Variables.Muhammed Emin Altın & Mehmet Kubat - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (1):179-199.
    Religion, as a phenomenon that is as old as humanity, has continued to exist in one way or another wherever humans exist. At the core of religion are the principles of faith consisting of divinity, belief in the afterlife and belief in prophethood. When we look at the History of Religions, in almost all religions, when religion first emerged, there was no need for any institution to maintain religious life in a healthy way, but in later periods, protecting religion against (...)
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  23.  26
    Absolute judgment of distance as a function of induced muscle tension, exposure time, and feedback.N. M. Agnew, Sandra Pyke & Z. W. Pylyshyn - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (5):649.
  24. The category of the person.N. J. Allen - 1985 - In Michael Carrithers, Steven Collins & Steven Lukes (eds.), The Category of the person: anthropology, philosophy, history. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 26--35.
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  25. Tres estudios sobre pensamiento y mística hispanomusulmanes.Miguel Asín Palacios - 1914 - Madrid: Hiperión. Edited by Miguel Asín Palacios.
    Ibn Masarra y su escuela -- El místico Abū-l-ʻAbbās ibn al-ʻArīf de Almería y su "Mahāsin al-Maŷālis" -- Un precursor hispanomusulmán de San Juan de la Cruz.
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  26. Diachronikē diastasē stē zōē: eisagōgē stēn plastikē domē tēs vio-iatrikēs anazētēsēs: ereunētikē dokimē.I. N. Augoustēs - 1992 - Athēna: Iatrikes Ekd. LITSAS.
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  27. Kim Ok-kyun, Yu Kil-chun, Chu Si-gyŏng: Chosŏn ŭi kŭndae rŭl kaech'ŏk hada.Wŏn-sik Ch'oe - 2024 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Ch'angbi.
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  28. Triết học trong kỷ nguyên toàn cầu =.Văn Đức Phạm (ed.) - 2007 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Khoa học xã hội.
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  29. v. 2. Del Barrocco a nuestros días.José Luis Abellán - 2002 - In Manuel Maceiras Fafián, López Molina, M. Antonio, Alfonso Maestre Sánchez, Sebastià Trias Mercant & José Luis Abellán (eds.), Pensamiento filosófico español. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis.
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  30.  6
    Escenarios del caos: entre la hipertextualidad y la performance en la era electrónica.Anxo Abuín González - 2006 - Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
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  31. La justicia y los otros valores jurídicos, una introduccíon a la estimativa jurídica.Enrique R. Aftalión - 1941 - [Buenos Aires,:
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  32. Nīchah, tabārʹshināsī, tārīkh-i ḥaqīqat va qudrat.Ḥasīb Allāh Amīn - 2011 - [Afghanistan]: Maṭbaʻah-i Arghandīvāl.
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  33. Peru.Rolando Amés Cobián & Félix Reátegui - 2011 - In Carlos M. Beristain, Carolina Moreno, Ana Marcela Herrera & Patricia Tappata de Váldez (eds.), Contribution of truth, justice and reparation policies to Latin American democracies. San José, Costa Rica: Inter-American Institute for Human Rights.
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  34.  18
    What the papers say: Formation of a gradient of the Drosophila dorsal morphogen by differential nuclear localisation.N. J. Gay & F. J. Keith - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (4):181-182.
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  35. Ambiguous and Deeply Differentiated: Kierkegaard's Relations to Hegel.Arne Grøn - 2004 - Kierkegaardiana 23:177-200.
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  36. Ideas y doctrinas políticas contemporáneas.Jimenes Grullón & Juan Isidro[From Old Catalog] - 1939 - San Juan de Puerto Rico,: Asociación de mujeres graduadas de la universidad de Puerto Rico.
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  37.  21
    Gender strategies and political leadership.N. V. Khamitov & D. D. Dandekar - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 15:40-48.
    Purpose. The purpose of the article is to understand the issue of gender strategies of political leadership. Theoretical basis. The works of Ukrainian and foreign scholars helped to find out the specifics of male and female leadership. The article applied the latest methodology of androgyny-analysis. According to this methodology, sex has not only a biological, psychological and social, but also an existential dimension. So, the existential dimension of gender is soulfulness as an existential femininity and spirituality as an existential masculinity. (...)
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  38. La contribution des autres disciplines à la physique du XIXème siècle.N. R. Hanson - 1965 - Scientia 59:73.
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  39. La Logique et le principe de correspondance.N. R. Hanson - 1958 - Scientia 52 (93):du Supplém. 43.
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  40. Sur la théorie des particules élémentaires.N. R. Hanson - 1956 - Scientia 50 (91):du Supplém. 53.
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  41. (3 other versions)Kleinere Schriften. Band II: Abhandlungen zur Philosophie-Geschichte.N. HARTMANN - 1957
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  42. Fenomen globalʹnosti v filosofii russkogo kosmizma.N. V. Isakova - 2009 - Krasnodar: Kubanskiĭ gos. agrarnyĭ universitet.
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  43. Comments on Staples, Peter ultimates as paradoxical limits.N. Jesson - 1995 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 18 (2):151-154.
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    Ausgewählte Abschnitte aus der Muqaddima.Ibn Khaldūn - 1951 - Tübingen,: J. C. B. Mohr. Edited by Annemarie Schimmel.
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  45. Freud et le probleme des reves.N. Kostyleff - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21:269.
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  46. Descartes' Philosophy of Mind: Its Contemporary Understanding.N. G. Kulkarni - 1996 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 23:95-118.
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  47. Attention and probability learning.N. J. Mackintosh - 1970 - In David I. Mostofsky (ed.), Attention: Contemporary Theory and Analysis. Appleton-Century-Crofts. pp. 173--191.
  48. Computer simulation of brain function.N. S. Sutherland - 1974 - In Philosophy Of Psychology. Macmillan.
  49. Black Athena: An Interview with Martin Bernal.N. Allen - 1990 - Free Inquiry 10:18-22.
  50.  15
    Intellectual computer mathematics system inparsolver.Khimich A. N., Chistyakova T. V., Sydoruk V. A. & Yershov P. S. - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence Scientific Journal 25 (4):60-71.
    The paper considers the intellectual computer mathematics system InparSolver, which is designed to automatically explore and solve basic classes of computational mathematics problems on multi-core computers with graphics accelerators. The problems of results reliability of solving problems with approximate input data are outlined. The features of the use of existing computer mathematics systems are analyzed, their weaknesses are found. The functionality of InparSolver, some innovative approaches to the implementation of effective solutions to problems in a hybrid architecture are described. Examples (...)
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